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4-H Youth Development

app trail
Junior Day Camp: Hiking on the Appalachian Trail


4-H is a volunteer-led youth development education program that emphasizes hands-on learning experiences for young people ages 5-19.


Volunteers play a vital role in the lives of our 4-H members, and everyone has something valuable to offer.

Call today to find out how you can make a difference in the lives of our Giles County 4-Hers.

Programs and Events

In addition to in-school programming, Giles County currently has the following active clubs:

  • Giles CountyTeen Club
  • Newport Lucky Clovers

Call today to find out how to join, and stay in touch to see how we grow!

4-H Camp Facts

What is 4-H?

4-H is a comprehensive youth development program of Virginia Cooperative Extension. Young people, ages 5-19 engage in hands-on learning experiences under the guidance if 4-H Extension Agents and trained adults or teen 4-H volunteers.

4-H Motto

To Make the Best Better!

4-H Pledge

I Pledge…
My Head to Clearer Thinking,
My Heart to Greater Loyalty,
My Hands to Larger Service,
And my Health to a Better Living,
For My Club, My Community, My Country, and My World.

4-H Colors

The 4-H colors are green and white. The white is for purity. The green, nature’s most common color, is for life and youth.